How is the sperm’s journey to the egg
The sperms begin their long journey to the egg. They enter the womb after leaving the cervix. They swim towards the Fallopian tubes. The vagina and womb are unfavorable settings for sperm, but once they reach the fallopian tubes, they are mostly free of the woman’s immune system’s possible detrimental effects.
Only one in every approximately 20 million ejaculated sperm will make it to the Fallopian tube, but once there, the sperm should be able to pick up chemical signals from the egg to guide them onwards. Finally, the sperm approaches the egg and pushes against its shell (called the zona pellucida). Sperm can survive in the female reproductive system for 24 to 48 hours.
However, as the saying goes there’s many a slip between the cup and the lip. There could be several factors that hinder this journey and lead to infertility
If you have any issues in conceiving. You should seek help before it’s too late.
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