How common is cryopreservation in IVF and ICSI treatment method? The cryopreservation of embryo in an IVF/ICSI cycle is now a routine procedure with the usage and success rate increasing phenomenally Cryopreservation involves the retrieving and...
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What is the need for cryopreservation? Egg freezing or cryopreservation at Kiran Infertility Centre is performed due to various reasons such as preserving fertility due to social reasons or due to Hysterectomy and oophorectomy. Otherwise, a...
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Yes, it is possible to freeze eggs even where the patient is aged 40 and above even though, the number of eggs produced by the human body is lower in number with the eggs that can...
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The cryopreservation of embryo in an IVF/ICSI cycle is now a routine procedure with the usage and success rate increasing phenomenally Cryopreservation involves the retrieving and freezing of human reproductive tissue (sperm, oocytes, ovarian or testicular...
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