At KIC egg donation program is considered to assist a woman, who is unable to produce their own healthy eggs for pregnancy. Recipients of all ages are experiencing birth rate of approximately 40% per embryo transfer. Even more prominent, cumulative success rate exceed 90% when repetitive embryo transfers are performed.
Suggestions for egg donation
- Failure to achieve a possible pregnancy following repeated attempts at IVF or other Assisted Reproductive Technology.
- Poor fertilization of eggs in spite of good quality sperm.
- Absence of ovarian function due to preceding surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.
- Premature ovarian failure.
- The presence of inherent disorder that have high likelihood of being transferred via the women’s eggs to the offspring.
- Women over the age of 40
- Unexplained failure of IVF consecutively.
- Poor responders (less than 3 to 4 eggs)
- Becoming an Egg Donor
Young, healthy women between ages of 21-32 years are eligible for egg donation program here at Kiran Infertility Center. We have few selection methods which are as follows.
- The prospective donor should be in all-purpose good health
- Should not have any major abnormality or genetic disorders.
- Screening test for HIV, HbsAg, VDRL & hepatitis
- A physical examination, endocrine profile, ultrasound examination or pelvis.
- Medical screening for any physical or mental weaknesses.
- A written consent form confirming the full understanding of the egg donation procedure.
- We at Kiran infertility center provide an excellent facility for assisting infertile couple achieve their life’s dream to having a baby. We are committed to providing the highest quality medical care in a sensitive and helpful environment.
FAQ’s on Egg Donation
For detailed information regarding egg donation please contact us through,
Phone no: +91-99 4817 5768
SMS KIC to 56070