We at Kiran Infertility center believe that the ultimate age to freeze eggs is in the 20s and early 30’s.
With freezing eggs, women have more say in controlling their reproductive health. It even permits the eggs to be in steady-state in the lab and allows the women to concentrate on their professional careers and focus on childbearing afterward.
There is a highly steep decrease in the quality and quantity of eggs after 37 years and even more sharp in the 40s. There are comparatively lower chances of successful in vitro fertilization after the 40s with fresh eggs. Women are born with a limited number of eggs and mostly the eggs start decreasing with the increasing age and due to various changes occurring in the body. The major difference starts 10 years before menopause in which a visible decline can be noticed.
It is advised that on 3rd day of the menstrual cycle women should get checked their FSH, Estradiol, and AMH( Anti Mullerian Hormone Test) to get an insight into their biological clock and also egg quantity and quality.
Whatever be the case, a skilled team of doctors at Kiran Infertility Center Bengaluru is there to help you.
Check us online:
mail us: info@kicbengaluru.com
call: 9900967627
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