The gift of life is priceless and affordable. We offer fertility services within your reach At Kiran Infertility Center (KIC), we understand the importance of building a family. That’s why we offer accessible fertility solutions and...
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Did you know that assisted hatching implants the embryo sooner? when the embryo in an IVF cycle fails to implant in the walls of the uterus, the cycle fails. To increase the chances of implantation, assisted...
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Congratulations to Mrs. and Mr. RT on the birth of their twin babies (1 girl and 1 boy..both weighing 2kg)with the help of KIC Bengaluru’s IVF program. The mother and babies are doing fine. we wish...
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Why is semen analysis considered essential when you are not getting pregnant? Kiran Infertility Center performs a semen analysis to find out if there is an issue with the sperm or the semen that is causing...
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Is egg freezing a really time-consuming process? Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, has sparked curiosity and gained acceptance in the community. Egg freezing allows women to have more time for their fertility future by...
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This is how you should take care of yourself after an embryo transfer has occurred Once the embryo transfer takes place, you must follow a healthy diet and pamper yourself for a few days...
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Is it normal to have cramps after intrauterine insemination or IUI? Cramping is a common side effect of intrauterine insemination (IUI), but there is a probability it can become severe and unpleasant, causing worry. Intrauterine...
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Feeling discomfort in reproductive organs? Get it checked at KIC The frozen pelvis is a complex condition where reproductive organs and nearby structures are disfigured and tethered to each other due to the adhesive process....
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Embryo transfer is a medical procedure that involves taking the fertilized egg and sperm and implanting the newly formed embryo into a woman’s uterus or womb. The placement of embryos should be precise and as part...
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The word ‘Blastocyst’ refers to the human embryo, which is about 5-6 days old, post-fertilization. Researchers believe that transferring a more developed embryo (at blastocyst stage), makes conception more possible. If you have failed IVF cycles,...
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